Resources Report broken links: Propagation/Space Weather DX View HF/VHF Propagation Maps VE3EN SolarHam Extensive space weather information Space Weather Woman Excellent solar news from Dr. Tamitha Skov NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center VOACAP HF Tool HF propagation predictions Area Repeaters Southwest Michigan Amateur Radio Team (SMART) Club sponsoring K8KZO repeaters Kalamazoo Amateur Radio Club (KARC) Club sponsoring the W8VY repeaters Allegan County Amateur Radio Club (ACARC) Club sponsoring the AC8RC repeater Blossomland Amateur Radio Association Club sponsoring W8MAI repeaters Northern Indiana Repeater Group Sponsoring K9DEW repeaters West Michigan System Fusion Linked repeaters serving western Michigan via Fusion Independent Repeater Association Sponsoring W8IRA repeater and IRA Link System Spotting Tools PSK Reporter Useful tool to see how far and where your digital signal is going Ham Alert Great tool to set up push notifications for SOTA/POTA/PSK Reporter/DXCC/watch for friends and much more. Parks on the Air (POTA) Hunt or Activate–Lots of fun! Real time APRS tracking data DX Watch DX spots DX Heat DX cluster real time Contesting WA7BNM Contest Calendar Great contesting resource ARRL Contest Calendar Listings with details Groups American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Radio Club of America World’s oldest professional society-hams and non-hams in wireless Michigan Amateur Radio Public Service Corps ARES, NTS, AUXCOMM Work Group Michigan Area Repeater Council Michigan spectrum management Youth on the Air (YOTA) International group to foster ham radio interest for the future Amateur Radio in Space (AMSAT) Amateur radio satellites Amateur Radio on the ISS (ARISS) Inspiring youth through communication with the ISS Instruction/Guides Ham Study Get or upgrade your ham license privileges! You can find testing sessions here, too. The Daily DX Interesting resource on all things DX, clubs, spots, etc. (may be outdated/inactive?) ARRL Band Plan The Considerate Operator’s Frequency Guide Downloadable .PDF Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) Get started with APRS ARRL RF Exposure Calculator Useful tool to aid compliance with the latest FCC RF exposure rules Winlink Global Radio Email Great starting point for all things Winlink D-Star More information than you probably wanted about D-Star DMR For Dummies Decent DMR basics Fusion Yaesu’s intro to System Fusion includes WIRES-X at the bottom of the page AllStar Build and have your own AllStar node. Easy to do and the audio quality is amazing. Electronics Notes Decent starting point to learn about electronics, communications, test equipment Long Island CW Club Want to learn CW? A great starting point Q Signals Downloadable .PDF from ARRL Reference Ham Net Extensive database of radio nets in progress and upcoming. NetLogger Great tool for catching radio nets in progress and for logging your net in progress. QRZ Free callsign search, online swapmeet, logbook, modify your profile RepeaterBook Free repeater directory Extensive frequency database K2DSL Maidenhead Grid Square Locator Different ways to look up your grid square with maps CFR Title 47, Part 97 We all talk about it, but how many have read it? Misc Field Day, 1962, Kensington Park, Michigan. Courtesy of Computer History Archives Project. Jim W6LG “…radio elmer…” Interesting YouTube channel